Voice Disorders

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It’s not uncommon to experience problems with hoarseness or a squeaky voice with a common cold, bronchitis, after cheering for your favorite team, or when exposed to irritants such as ammonia or bleach. However, when the problem continues past these events, it can become concerning for something more going on. Common symptoms of voice disorders include not only changes in the sound of your voice like hoarseness or breathiness, but shooting pain from ear to ear, “lump in the throat” sensation, neck pain, decreased pitch range, and voice and body fatigue. These symptoms can also be signs that more than laryngitis is affecting the vocal cords. If you have been hoarse for more than 3 weeks, an evaluation by an otolaryngologist like Dr. McDonald is recommended. He can evaluate your vocal cords for any movement problems, lumps or bumps, or inflammation in the office.

One type of voice disorder is vocal cord paralysis. Vocal cord paralysis occurs when one or both of the vocal cords are unable to move. Transmitting one’s voice naturally becomes difficult when the vocal cords do not function properly and breathing and swallowing problems can also develop. When one of the two vocal cords is paralyzed, vibrations are abnormal in the functioning vocal cord because it can’t vibrate against the other. Therefore the individual will not be able to speak very clearly or loudly. Frequently the voice takes on a breathy sound. Bilateral vocal cord paralysis occurs when both vocal cords become stuck halfway and can’t move. This may require a tracheotomy to not only restore a person’s voice, but more importantly, to protect the airway when the person eats.

Vocal cord nodules and polyps cause voice disorders as well. Although benign (not cancerous), vocal nodules are growths that can develop on both vocal cords and are caused by vocal abuse or overuse. With time, vocal cords can wear out; and soft, swollen spots develop on each vocal cord. These spots then become harder, callous-like growths called nodules. If the abuse continues, the nodules can become larger and stiffer resulting in hoarseness, breathiness, voice fatigue, and decreased pitch range. Vocal cord nodules and polyps can end a career of a singer or entertainer.

Another voice disorder is something called paradoxical vocal fold movement (PVFM). Paradoxical vocal fold movement disorder occurs when the vocal folds, another word for cords, function normally most of the time, but randomly close when they should open, such as with breathing. Signs and symptoms of PVFM can easily be mistaken for asthma because it causes wheezing and difficulty breathing.

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You don’t have to live with daily symptoms of sinus congestion and drainage. There are simple and safe treatments to help get you feeling your best. See Dr. McDonald for a comprehensive evaluation to diagnose your problem and to discuss a variety of treatments options that could work for you.

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