Skin Tightening/Resurfacing

Procedures that tighten or resurface the skin are extremely popular because they provide a non-surgical alternative to the more invasive procedure used to improve skin quality and correct areas of sagging skin. Those who might benefit from skin tightening and resurfacing include those with mild or moderate loose skin on their face, neck, arms, or abdomen left over from weight loss, pregnancy, or surgeries. Also, those who want to improve the quality of their skin and tighten areas of skin laxity, but cannot or do not want to go through surgery are great candidates for skin tightening/resurfacing procedures.

The benefits of skin tightening and resurfacing procedures are numerous. As already mentioned, they are non-invasive, non-surgical techniques that tighten facial and body skin. They do not require incisions, have little to no downtime, and cause minimal discomfort. Skin tightening and resurfacing procedures are also great for all skin types. If you are considering a skin tightening or resurfacing procedure, you should first have your skin evaluated by a trained medical professional. He or she will have recommendations on what would be best for your skin and expectations.

Several different methods and devices can provide skin tightening and resurfacing. One type of skin tightening procedure includes radiofrequency and intense pulsed light treatments (IPL). These treatments heat the deep layer of your skin without heating or damaging the epidermis or outer skin layer. The body’s natural wound healing response causes collagen changes in the skin which then causes the skin to tighten. Final results are usually seen after a series of treatments.

Another type of skin tightening and resurfacing procedure utilizes ultrasound to focus ultrasonic energy into the dermal layer (the deeper layer of your skin). Like with radiofrequency or intense pulsed light treatments, the skin above the focus point and tissue below the focus point is protected. Skin is lifted and tightened as new collagen growth is stimulated in the layers below. As with radiofrequency and IPL, multiple treatments may be needed.

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