Chemical Peels

A popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure that gives the skin a younger, healthier, and more radiant appearance is the chemical peel. When we are young, dead skin cells routinely slough off allowing newer more luminous skin to continually appear. Unfortunately, that process slows down significantly as we age, and the skin can appear dull and thick. Chemical peels can be light, medium, or deep; and they work to peel away the top layer of skin, revitalizing once sun-damaged and unevenly pigmented skin.

Chemical peels are a great option for those who have spent a lot of time in the sun and want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of sun damage. Chemical peels can also improve the appearance of scars, brown spots, or other areas of discoloration and blotchiness. Even certain precancerous skin growths can be treated with chemical peels.

Benefits of chemical peels include the fact that no anesthesia or sedation is needed, and they do not take long to complete. Chemical peels such as the light and medium types also have minimal aftercare and recovery. Deep chemical peels are a little more involved and may take a little longer to recover from, but they also work wonders on providing long-lasting effects on deep wrinkles or furrows.

Chemical peels are chemical solutions that are applied to the face or just to certain regions, such as the crow’s feet area around your eyes or the vertical wrinkles around your mouth. The peel may be applied lightly or rubbed more deeply into the skin with a sponge, cotton pad, swab, or brush. Care is made to avoid the eyebrows, eyes, and lips. Once the chemical peel has been applied, tingling or sometimes burning sensation begins. The sensation is typically minimal for the lighter and medium peels and more intense for the deeper peels. The light and medium peels rarely need a covering or after-peel ointment, but the deep peels will require a thick coating of petroleum jelly or another protective ointment that covers the treated areas for a day or two.

Recovery from chemical peels doesn’t typically take long, but you will be more sensitive to the sun and pores may appear larger for a time. Most deep chemical peels have a bleaching effect; and certain skin disorders, such as allergic reactions or cold sores, may be exacerbated. If you have any pre-existing skin conditions, be sure the professional administering your chemical peel is aware. Once it’s all said and done, you will be left with younger more radiant skin.

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