
Botox® is the brand name for botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) commonly used for the cosmetic treatment of wrinkles, furrows, and forehead creases. Botulinum toxin A is a purified protein that disrupts the communication between nerves and the muscles they serve. Botox® relaxes the muscles it is injected into by preventing and reducing the ability for the surrounding nerves to tell the muscles to contract. Wrinkles and creases that are already present smooth out to some degree when the muscles underneath them relax from Botox®. Botox® has several medical uses but has now become one of the most requested cosmetic procedures in facial rejuvenation.

Botox® is a good option for those who have deep lines between the eyes that create a tired, angry, sad, or upset appearance. By relaxing these muscles, Botox® can give a more approachable and rested appearance. Botox® can also bring balance to the face if there is asymmetry caused by a contracted muscle or irregular eyebrow. The injections use small needles and do not go very deep into the skin making them relatively painless, low risk, and causing little-to-no downtime. Once injected, the neurotoxin will take a few days to reach full effect; and a follow-up visit is often scheduled weeks after the initial injection to evaluate the final results

Satisfaction ratings for Botox® are among the highest for cosmetic procedures. When choosing Botox®, be sure you choose a board-certified, experienced professional (physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or aesthetician). Botulinum A has been well-studied over the past century; and there are thousands of publications to date in medical and scientific journals that attest to its safety and efficacy but in the hands of an untrained individual, it causes undesired effects. In the hands of an experienced injector, however, the procedure will seem simple with minimal discomfort. The injector must have a good understanding of the muscles in the face and body for a safe and successful procedure.

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